Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture

"The first piece made him the strongest fighter on Earth. The final piece will make him a god! Prideful young Laocorn Gaudeamus, descendant of an ancient family, has scoured archaeological sites around the world for the legendary "Armor of Mars" lost by his ancestors during the Crusades. With the help of his three associates - Jamin, Panni and Hauer - Loacorn plans to use the immense, almost godlike powers of the armor to take vengeance on those who persecuted his family all those many years ago. To prevent her brother from acquiring it, Laocorn's beautiful, estranged twin sister Sulia enlists the aid of the only man in the world powerful enough to challenge him...bare-knuckled street fighter and martial arts legend, Terry "Hungry Wolf" Bogard. Unless Terry and his own associates - younger brother Andy, Thai kickboxer Joe Higashi, and bouncy ninja Mai Shiranui - can stop him, Laocorn will don the final piece of armor and become invincible. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Laocorn is already close to becomming the most powerful man in the world. What will happen when he gets the last piece? What will happen when he becomes a god....?"

Now this is a kickass anime. Lots of action, and I mean lots of action. Every time you turn a corner somebody's head is getting beaten in. What the movie lacks in story (which is still pretty good), it more than makes up for in the quality of animation and action. It also has a healthy dose of those lovely anime women. Go pick this one up and enjoy.

Animation: 9/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 10/10
Overall Rating:
Available on VHS and DVD

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