Stupid Protestors Redux

by on March 19, 2003 @ 10:20 am

Evan over at Brain-Terminal has done it again with another oh so subtle expose on the “peace movement” and their supposed “anti-war” protests. Pay special attention to the increasingly hostile and angry signs that these “pacifists” are holding. As usual, totally absent is anything resembling rational thought, except for the Harry Knowles look-alike at the end who manages to sum up the real anti-war sentiment rather simply without losing his sanity or rambling on into yet another incoherent MKULTRA CIA rant regarding the Military Industrial Complex, Aliens and/or Bush=Hitler.

Of special note is the appearance of a naked man who seems to have hemorrhoids, a fat pregnant furry or is that Anna Nicole Smith? And a special guest appearance by Egg Shen in a reprisal of his role as the “incoherent conspiracy theory Asian” which is good for a laugh. I can’t stress enough how these protests have little or nothing to do with the war on Iraq and everything to do with the hate for our current President by so many on the left and their commie pinko friends.

Yet another denizen of the “Rainy Depressing Shithole State” aka Washingting, has produced a protestor who seems to have chained himself to the wrong building.

Jody Mason of Olympia is locked to the Washington State Grange office building Tuesday to protest war. He intended to chain himself to a federal Department of Energy office building, but discovered he was at the wrong location.

The massive growth of facial hair blocks the harmful govt. microwaves

In other stupid protestor news, a “non-zealot” from Washington State has managed to fall casualty to an earth moving device because the girl who was too fucking stupid to step out of the way of a bulldozer and was subsequently crushed to death in “Palestine”. Something of note is that the pictures of the event “as it happened” seem to be from different sites during the same day and seem to be pictures of two different bulldozers. I love how Internet Intifada in their desperate attempt to push their propaganda don’t seem to realize that little things like lying do nothing to bolster their argument. Sad that they would rather pimp this girls death by playing the Emotion card. Lets not forget how easily the incident could have been avoided if the girl had just exercised simple common sense and moved out of the way. What the fuck am I saying these are protestors, they can’t be expected to apply rational thought. I guess being color blind also means that you can't see giant earth moving equipment

Im not the President but I play one on TV.

by on February 20, 2003 @ 11:38 am

After this challenging role I will drink myself into a stupor and cry on the floor like the ignorant pussy that I am

And there lies the truth of the matter. Martin Sheen and the rest of his intellectually vapid anti-war morons club (AKA Most of Hollywood) are once again on the wrong side of the issue. Whats more amazing then how factually incorrect and disjointed and ignorant their arguments are is just how utterly transparent their motive is. This isnt protesting about peace nor is it an opposition to war, its only an attack at the Bush administration.

Where were the cries of protest when we went into Bosnia, or Somalia, or Hati, or Yugoslavia? I didnt see them marching when we were lobbing bombs into aspirin factories, or bombing Iraq in 1998. Why wasnt Martin Sheen and Jenean Garalfalwhatthefuck pimping their faces all over the networks begging us to give peace a chance? Why no retarded slogans for Boy Clinton? And why does the media give these clowns free reign to spew their opinions to the public. Just you or I try to get on any of the three networks to give your opinion, cover your ears the laughter can be loud.

Its not enough that they refuse to listen to any valid points, that they cant get their facts straight, that they use horridly inaccurate and skewed sources, and that they would rather side a tyrannical dictator who has massacred thousands of people then a GASP Republican. Hollywood is showing its true colors, and showing what they really stand for. Their message is clearly the wrong one.

Will someone explain to me what it is that drives movie stars into thinking their opinions are valued at all by anyone who doesnt seem to get their daily news input from E! or Entertainment Tonight? In the history of American conflicts with other nations, some movie star has always come forward to make a total ass of themselves without fail. From Hanoi Jane to now Baghdad Sean, the Hollywood know-it-alls have not disappointed us with their knee-jerk statements or their petty fifty thousand dollar ads.

When our military forces are getting ready to open a can of whoop-ass to protect our interests and rid the world of some psychotic asshole like Saddam Hussein, it never fails to bring out the clowns from Hollywood with serious and dour looks on their faces.

Whats equally more apparent is when they open their mouths anyone with the ability to spell TV can tell that when their roles are unscripted (unlike in front of a teleprompter), they appear pathetically out of their league. Easily persuaded by emotional pleas without the use of logic or even basic common sense, time and time again they fall right into the hands of crafty propagandists, who exploit their ignorance for their own gains. Sean Penns recent trip to Iraq proves this without a shadow of a doubt. He was so easily led and used by the Iraqis that it was painful to watch. We dont even need to address the exploits of the likes of Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, that ugly cunt Barbara Striestand, and other wannabee politicos.

What you are seeing are the actions of sore losers. Their boy Gore didnt get elected, even after they all came out against Bush during the Presidental race. Surprise Surprise that Alec Baldwin, or that fat fucking retarded asshole Rob meathead Reiner didnt move to France after the election. Are you fucking kidding? Do these people ever keep their word. I for one will not be seeing any movie or providing any financial support to anything attached to these people. Fuck them, fuck them in the ass with a basball bat covered in rusty nails. PS. Go sign yet another stupid fucking internet petition that will be ignored and means virtually nothing but servers for entertainment value.

And they keep saying Bush is dumb

by on February 18, 2003 @ 2:17 pm

With the large “anti-war” protests that took place over the weekend organized by such notable groups as Ramsey Clark’s communist backed A.N.S.W.E.R I wished that I could have been there to ask some of these protestors the hard questions that the mainstream media seems unable to do. Luckily for me and for you the folks at Brain Terminal decided to do just that. Watch this video and make your own determination about just how S.M.R.T your average anti-war protestor is. Link Here

The common trend of course is that Bush is bad, this is a war for Oil, we need to stop the 12 year long “rush to war” etc etc etc. Todays peacnik has nothing on his ancestors of the 60’s. Even while stoned out of their minds they managed to get their point across and stay on message. Today’s wanabee’s can’t even spell “UN” it seems.

I don’t even think KLF could top this one.

by on @ 12:29 pm

In all honesty this one takes the fucking cake. If Satan is looking for helpers and henchmen, I’m sure he will be able to hook up with these two once word of their “dirty deeds” hits the cell block.

ADELANTO — Two employees of a company hired to transport corpses for the San Bernardino County Coroner’s Office were arrested Friday afternoon, accused of sexually assaulting the body of a 4-year-old Adelanto girl.Donald Luis Cooper Jr., 32, and Chaunee Marie Helm, 30, both of Hesperia and employees of All-County Transportation, were arrested on suspicion of mutilation of human remains, a felony……

On Friday night the girl’s mother, Kathleen Jones, 36, of Adelanto, said the day she learned what happened to her daughter, “was the longest day from hell.””She was a loving child, always hugging and kissing, always smiling,” the mother said. “She had the greatest little personality. She was happy all the time, always singing and dancing.” Jones said San Bernardino County sheriff’s investigators told her the man was caught on videotape sexually assaulting her child’s body in the morgue. The woman, she was told, acted as a lookout.Sheriff’s department spokeswoman Cindy Beavers said mutilation was the charge because the assault occurred after the child died, and not because there had been any other injury to the body.

WTF? It’s bad enough that these guys are kidfucking shitbags, but to top it off with fucking a corpse? About the only thing they could have done to top this off would have been to eat the body afterwards.