Fuck Ticketmaster in their fucking asses

Two tickets to a rock show: $25

Total after service fees: $40

FUCK THAT. I vow to never buy another ticket from Ticketmaster ever again.

Categorized as Rants


  1. simpleOf course you won’t. Next time you will buy them from…. well, that dude…. shit. I guess if you would have known where to get the tickets, you would have had them for face value. Next time you could always stay at home. And do I need to say it? $40 bucks. What do you work at Sizzler? You should spend more than that on weed. And if you say something about principles, I call bullshit. Any man who wants to see a concert and doesn’t have the decency to buy the tickets illegally from a scalper needs to stay at his momma’s house anyway. Ten minutes into the show, those things would have been $20 and dropping.

  2. suggestions2 things.1: generally, you buy it from the original venue for minimum handling charges/tricks (such as ticketmaster: YOU WANT ME TO SEND IT TO YOU WITH THE MOST EXPENSIVE MAILING SERVICE POSSIBLE!?!?!!!111)2: buy wristbands that are the type the venue uses (generally tyrex, 500 for 10~20 the last time i checked. can be less). i have a large collection of every color/style. i can get into any show for free, basically.

  3. yeah i hate them as wellthey just raped me on mars volta tix. $15 lawn tix came to 23.85 after their bullshit fees.

  4. fuck ticketmasteryeah! i was supposed to get four tickets to a 311 show in kansas city because the radio station had a 2 for 1 deal goin and in the end we only got 2 tickets, and when we called them they said that they couldnt do anything about it, fuck em!

  5. realfuck Ticketmaster and more importantly fuck Clear Channel. They have formed a monopoly on the concert market. If you want t o be a badass go and jump the fence.

  6. Ticket MasterI have to agree 100%! I purchased two godsmack tickets at $30 a peice. By the time I paid TM fees and their astronomical shipping the total came to $90! I was a little more then pissed

  7. Whats worst?I don’t know whats worst. That ticketmaster charged you $90, or that you paid $90 to go see Godsmack. Maybe your taste in music is the problem.

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