The Fifth

I haven’t been ignoring you, my e-concubines. Far from it. I’ve actually been doing a lot of behind the scenes bamf stuff to make this place potentially awesome in ways that weren’t possible before. They’re fairly time consuming though, so GET OFF MY BACK!

*ahem*… I did want to leave you guys with a little bit of wisdom though. After I got some work done yesterday, the little woman and I went down to the beach to grab some lunch. There’s this Ruby’s Diner on the Balboa pier, and it was packed as all Hell. Fortunately (debatable) they have an upstairs dining area, open to the elements but quite nice from an aesthetic standpoint. Let me give you a few little tips about dining on the roof of a building, on a pier, which has no overhead protection:

  1. Don’t order a Blue-cheese anything. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back for a bite, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.
  2. Don’t order ranch for your fries. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back for a bite, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.
  3. Cold as it may be, don’t order a hot chocolate with whipped cream. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back to quench your thirst, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.
  4. Ask for a lid for your water. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back for a sip, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.

This has been “Tips For Better Living” with your host, Sharkey. Tune in next week for do’s and don’ts of a multiracial threesome.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

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