Well Thanks For Killing The Funny, Bastards

[ More Info On The Sofa-Woman Who Died ] – Pretty sad story. They’re looking into pressing charges against family members who let her live that way. She was a big girl (no pun intended), she could make her own decisions.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. It’s still funny.\”She had a giant appetite, but she told friends a thyroid problem made her obese.\”This is why I hate fat people.

  2. RE: fiddlestick5Not all fat people make the excuses like this woman did. What those people said about their family member who died in squalor ATTACHED to a fucking couch, and fused to her own feces…come on, what do you want them to say? There’s nothing they can really say. They enabled it, and its their fault! You don’t fuck your family over like that. She had MAJOR psycological problems, and they didn’t take care of her.As for your reasons for hating fat people, I suspect you’ve got a fat family member that embarassed the hell out of you as a kid. So, I’ll infer that YOU are the problem, and not everyone else. You may have a problem with fat people, I have a problem with IGNORANT DUMBFUCKS.

  3. Did I strike a nerve?No, this has nothing to do with the family; some of them stated that they hadn’t even seen her in years. How were they suppose no know she got tubbed out and fused to the couch? We all have family members that we haven’t seen or heard from in years, have you ever once thought “hey, I wonder if old’ Aunt Linda’s fused to a couch?” No, you probably haven’t… which I suppose makes you just as guilty as couchzilla’s family, considering you’ve technically committed the same “crime”. What I’m saying is: THERE WAS NO CRIME.Also, yes, I hate when people make up bullshit excuses about things that are very clearly under their control. I myself have quite the case of tub-itus, but I’m capable of admitting to myself (and others) that “hey… maybe, just maybe, if I ate less…”. But there’s a fine line between chubby and burden on your family, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the one that drove her “boyfriend” to alcoholism.Also, yes, I hate people who make up bullshit excuses about things that are very clearly under their control. I myself have quite the case of tub-itus, but I’m capable of admitting to myself, and others, that “hey… maybe, just maybe, if I ate less…”. But there’s a fine line between chubby and burden on your family, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s responsible for driving her “boyfriend” to alcoholism.In closing… no, I don’t have deep seeded issues with fat people. “Weightism” isn’t a psychological disorder and it’s not on par with racism…I dislike people who eat themselves into being a burden on their family while all the while blaming it on a “thyroid problem”.

  4. c&p fucked me in the assIgnore the last post, I had to switch browsers and rewrite my post… but when I decided to c&p, the incredibly small window prevented me from seeing what I fucked up.No, this has nothing to do with the family; some of them stated that they hadn’t even seen her in years. How were they suppose no know she got tubbed out and fused to the couch? We all have family members that we haven’t seen or heard from in years, have you ever once thought “hey, I wonder if old’ Aunt Linda’s fused to a couch?” No, you probably haven’t… which I suppose makes you just as guilty as couchzilla’s family, considering you’ve technically committed the same “crime”. What I’m saying is: THERE WAS NO CRIME.Also, yes, I hate people who make up bullshit excuses about things that are very clearly under their control. I myself have quite the case of tub-itus, but I’m capable of admitting to myself, and others, that “hey… maybe, just maybe, if I ate less…”. But there’s a fine line between chubby and burden on your family, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s responsible for driving her “boyfriend” to alcoholism.In closing… no, I don’t have deep seeded issues with fat people. “Weightism” isn’t a psychological disorder and it’s not on par with racism…I dislike people who eat themselves into being a burden on their family while all the while blaming it on a “thyroid problem”.

  5. fattiesIf you can’t control yourself and eat right and maybe walk a few steps every day, then fuck you. Shit for you! Don’t make excuses about it, do something about it or just say I’m fat and shut the fuck up. Obese people have the most heath problems and therefore create a huge burden on our health care system. So by being fat, you cause the government to spend money more on you instead of lowering taxes and that hurts the rest of us. So get off your ass and excerise. Or die. Preferably die, I also hate traffic…it’s a win-win.

  6. still funnyI’m sorry, maybe it’s just me being the pessimist that I am, but once I read, \”Humiliation began with a fall,\” I had to laugh. Her problems started WAAAAY before that. Let’s start by looking at her neighbor’s ignorance.\”In her 20s, she was visible in the community where she lived at the time, a blighted, high-crime complex of $100-a-month rental units in East Stuart. Gregarious, already 300 pounds but mobile, Grinds was known as a great cook who loved to pass around her fried chicken and fish. She had a giant appetite, but she told friends a thyroid problem made her obese.\”ummm, you ever see anyone that’s 58\” and 300 lbs? I’m sorry, that ain’t a thyroid problem, that’s a little too much love for the fried foods you cook.Now we move on to the boyfriend.Obvious he’s a \”feeder.\”Now we look at the family.\”‘There is one thing that kept my sister on that couch — fear,’ Kendricks said. ‘She had been in such pain when she broke her leg that she was too afraid it would happen again.’\”That is where it becomes your job to take care of family.And we finish with the fatass, and I’m sorry but I gotta speak from the heart on this one.If you broke your damn leg 2 years ago, do not blame the mud, or everyone else. You made the step. Yes, it does just take nothing less than a miscalculated step to lead to your eventual destruction. Maybe, if she was more aware of herself than everyone else’s perception of her, she coulda looked in a mirror and seen what she was doing to herself…

  7. bicyclesIf she had done bicycles and other couch-able exercises while eating just vegetables and fiberous foods, she would have been way okay within 2 years after the ‘fall’ Thyroid my ass nigga, shit, there are medications that can help fix that part of obesity; so nowadays there really is no excuse.

  8. wow……if only grand theft auto san andreas came out months earlier she would’ve learned the benefits of excercising. Oh videogames is there anything that you can’t teach?

  9. Solution to energy crisisHer boyfriend should have just put her in a pool and fed her ephedrine 24/7. After like 5 minutes she would be burning off enough energy to power a small city. Hey new source of enviormentally friendly energy: FAT PEOPLE!Don’t infringe on my patent pending process bitches. I’m claiming right here and now! Right…NOW! Oh god this story is making me too sick to drink my coffee, I mean she was attached to the couch, it was…in…her…sk..in…oh I just puked in my coffee cup. Gotta go boss is looking at me funny.

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