To Quote The Man Himself: “Waaaah.”

Damn it Artie, just… damn it.

If you’re a fan of the Stern show (which is so much better now that it’s on Sirius, I can’t begin to explain) you already know that Artie Lange was absent for at least a week prior to the holiday break. Now that the show is back, and Artie’s spot in the Jackie chair is still cold, fans have been speculating as to whether or not he fell off the wagon again. Unfortunately, it’s worse. Apparently Artie stabbed himself nine times in an attempted suicide.

Howard finally discussed it on the show today, and mentioned that though he hasn’t spoken to Artie since the incident, Robin and Tim (their program director) have. Normally I wouldn’t bother posting something like this unless it had some sort of hilarious angle, but since I’m a diehard Stern fan, it makes me very sad. Hopefully he’ll be back on the show sometime in the near future, but it doesn’t look good. Maybe they’ll wrangle George Takei into a long-term guest announcer gig until this whole mess clears up. Or they could bring Jackie back for awhile, just to remind everyone how much better Artie is in comparison.

Just for good measure, here’s a batch of great Bababooey songs and some great angles of his awful pitch at the Mets opener. Hey now.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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