Fucking Mexicans

The fucking Mexicans at McDonalds jam up the trash compactor shared by several stores every fucking day.How the fuck can they fit 25 of them into an Astro Van but they can’t figure out how to throw a couple of fucking fry boxes into a compactor without fucking the whole thing up?

Categorized as Rants


  1. messi can’tsbecause thrash compactors don’t come wtih leopard print sweat covers and can’t get you over the border

  2. haha…haha wow, it’s amazing to see what modern pieces of paper can do to machines. oh and it’s easy to fit into an astro bus, half of the damn mexicans are like freakin’ street performers. and personaly I felt more secure with my job while he had the \”concerned citizens\” on boarder patrol with 12-gauges.

  3. Mexisto let these M&Frs into our country should require more of a contribution or commitment from them then fucking Mc D,s such as Military service. Then we talk about citizenship and the rest of the family. How about learning English and them adapting to America instead of America adapting to them?

  4. mmmmmm i love the taste of racism in the morning coming from a group of (apparently) educated citizens. i really, really do. while we’re at it, who’s up for some gay bashing too?!

  5. Proud to be an American Fuckin’ eh gy bashing I in. Fuckin queer bastards are trying to get society to except them and thier way of life. Not to mention, and by the way it is what really pisses me of is forcing our kids in school to believe that it is an exceptable way of life. Ha not where I come from. I am American white boy I am a veteran and a Father. Your standard American I paid dues and have more to pay, so my people and those who I associate believe that fuckin Mexis are welcome as long as they pay thier dues, Faggots are welcome(but not in my house) as long as they pay thier dues. Any religion is fine dont push it on me, believe what you want and do what you want . Dont fuck with me and mine. I am a gun owner and belive in using it. God Bless America the Home of the Free because of the Brave. Dig it!!

  6. right.ahh. i see that you are proud to be a bigot, that’s what i see. and everyone wonders why people hate america? dear god, i don’t. and you know what else? you even advocate teaching children hate in schools, by saying that it’s not okay to be different. It amazes me that you, as such a good man, a veteran, a father, would say that sort of thing. what if one of your children decided to tell you they were homosexual? what would you do? beat them? tell them it’s unamerican?i’m disgusted, really.

  7. and fuck you- fstarckYou sound like another bleeding heart eurofag that’s afraid to pay taxes. If your mexican, fuck you you fucking beaner/beanerlover. I hope canadians invade your town and steal your job

  8. Fuckin mexicans suggest you fuckin loberals look up Campo Minute ment and rethink youselves.And fuck you liberal bastards if this country was to ever go down you are why

  9. Go Home MexisYou sure got a lot of complaint Juan for a contry you probably snuck into Bad English, learn the language,bad Grammer learn the language, bad attitude towards the US hey if you dont like it get the fuck out. You werent invited and your not wanted, take your brother with you back to Mexico, and maybe the Militia will shoot both your asses with rock salt on the way out.

  10. go home mexicansHey Froggy62 who the fuck invited you…..we were here first you dumb ass. Unless you are a native american your family were immigrant as well. I don’t see your comments in Apache or Commanche so fuck you. Catch a boat and go back to Czechoslovakia or where hell your from. \”CHINGA TU MADRE\”

  11. Go Home Froggy62?Heres the deal you Red Skin Mafia piece of shit, I was born in this country and so were my folks and Grandparents. I have been contribuating to society with blood and sweat since I was 12 years old back when a kid could get a job. This is something that I dont see on the Indian Reservations. The majority of indians on the res make no contibution and get everything handed to them, so go and get you free check if you are one of those and go work if your not. Have a nice day. I have made my comments on Mexis, Faggots, and not until now nor was I Indians. Bye

  12. Its because they do not care about their jobsat all and your just another dumbass customer to them. Its as simple as that.

  13. I hate mexicans but not as much as I hate the french, germans, italians, the english and all other fucking europeans. GO back to europe!!! Tree jumping cave dwelling mother fuckers. fucking mupps.

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