Lindsay Lohan Is A Quitter

Straight from the “Wow, I didn’t fucking see that one coming” department, it appears that Lindsay Lohan has decided to check herself into rehab.


Lindsay Lohan has checked into rehab. “I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health. I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time,” said the 20-year-old actress in a statement issued Wednesday through her publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnick.

Ha! Respect her privacy… please. Ten bucks says she takes time out of her busy rehab activities schedule to appear pantyless on the raquetball court.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. So after 4 long years my very first flash game,Cereus Peashy (pronounced Pea – Shy), is finished .

    The Peashy game idea started a little over 4 years back when Tom was just finishing up the flash version of Alien Hominid with Dan. Tom and I had talked about doing a game together and Peashy seemed like the best one to start on. About halfway though development Tom got a consol deal with Alien Hominid and could no longer work on Peashy. Around the same time I had gotten a job with a company called Chronic Logic as an artist and pitched a game idea to them that would later be known as Gish.

    As Gish and Alien Hominid were in development I put Peashy on hold and started spending my extra time working on smaller flash games with Rift (Clubby and Weltling), these games would all be tied together in a series I’d eventually call The Badlands.

    But Peashy remained stuck in its half finished state.

    As Gish’s development was coming to a close, Rift and I started playing with the idea of him taking over where Tom left off . Within no time Rift had sent me his take on Tom’s build, with his own programming. I was very impressed, but the art and animation was just so out of date.

    So the revamp began. Me and Rift set out to finish Peashy but tossed all the old art, story, and even game play for a fresh new start. We worked on Peashy on and off, sometimes taking graphics from it to make more small flash games, Weltling 2 and Dumpling. By the end of 2004 it seemed like we had hit a wall and Peashy was turning into the game that would never be finished.

    It wasn’t till late 2005 that I decided that the only way I’d be able to get back into working on it would be to totally redo the graphics again and for a good part of 2006 that’s what I did.

    After 4+ years, 2 programmers, and 3 complete revamps this kick ass cactus finally sees the light of day.

    I hope the time we spent on it wasn’t in vain, and I hope you all will take a little time out of your day to enjoy the bloody mayhem that is CEREUS PEASHY!


    PS: Download the full screen version of peashy

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